DMK Enzyme Therapy

Soul Skin offer DMK’s signature Enzyme Therapy at our Torquay clinic, an ever-growing skin care treatment backed by extensive scientific research, administered by our skin care specialists. If you are after a reliable long-term solution to your skin concerns, then Enzyme Therapy should be at the top of your list.

Enzyme Therapy has been developed to get to the root cause of imperfect skin, through industry-leading research, DMK has developed Ezyme Therapy to assist in the removal of harmful toxins and waste from the skin, oxygenating the blood vessels underneath the skin, increasing blood circulation and stimulating collagen production.

The DMK concept REMOVE, REBUILD, PROTECT and MAINTAIN works to regulate and enhance the internal functions and structures of the skin to maximum capacity.
DMK is the sole company to use transfer messenger enzymes in the signature DMK Enzyme Therapy, which is used as the base of all DMK treatments to oxygenate, strengthen, nourish and tone the skin. To encourage the skin to perform like younger, healthier skin DMK’s signature Enzyme Therapy works alongside DMK skin protocols and Home Prescriptive programs to achieve long-term results.

Contact our team for more information about enzyme therapy or to make a booking.

Transdermal Nutrition Facial

The DMK concept REMOVE, REBUILD, PROTECT and MAINTAIN works to regulate and enhance the internal functions and structures of the skin to maximum capacity.
DMK is the sole company to use transfer messenger enzymes in the signature DMK Enzyme Therapy, which is used as the base of all DMK treatments to oxygenate, strengthen, nourish and tone the skin. To encourage the skin to perform like younger, healthier skin DMK's signature Enzyme Therapy works alongside DMK skin protocols and Home Prescriptive programs to achieve long-term results.

  • Transdermal Nutrition Facial$120

    A 45 minute refresher facial for all skin types & concerns using our paramedical range DMK.

  • $150

    Try a 60 minute facial by adding an additional exfoliation to maximize your skin results.

  • Body Enzyme Revival$99

    Using DMK Enzymes to treat acne over the body - address, treat and correct areas such as the back, arms, legs for clearer skin, not just on the face.

  • $1500

    The RP peel is a 10 day procedure that peels away dead, redundant skin while rebuilding a healthy, stronger skin cell. The process is 2 days of peel application in clinic, then an enzyme lift off at day 5 and 10, again done in clinic with our paramedical therapist. Each individuals down time will vary but your skin takes up to two months to complete its full remodelling process.

DMK Enzyme Level 1

Purpose: DMK Enzyme Level 1 is a customized facial therapy designed to improve your skin's health and appearance.

Enzyme Masque: The treatment involves applying a unique enzyme masque tailored to your skin's needs. This masque contains natural enzymes that work to exfoliate, oxygenate, and nourish your skin.

Customized: Each session is personalized based on your skin type and concerns, ensuring that you get the most effective treatment for your specific needs.

How It Works: The enzyme masque is applied, and as it sets, it helps remove dead skin cells, promote circulation, and deliver essential nutrients to your skin.

Benefits: DMK Enzyme Level 1 can address various skin issues like acne, pigmentation, fine lines, and dullness. It improves skin texture and can leave your complexion looking refreshed and rejuvenated.

Long-Term Results: While you may notice immediate improvements, a series of treatments is often recommended for the best and long-lasting results.

Consultation: To get started with DMK Enzyme Level 1, consult with a trained skincare professional who will assess your skin and create a customized treatment plan to achieve your skincare goals.

  • DMK Enzyme Level 190min | $189

    Where it all begins - We use a pre-exfoliation here (see our peels & exfoliations for more information) to remove dead cell build up, promote circulation and to immediately brighten the skin. We follow with enzyme therapy to rebuild & flush out the build up of toxins and impurities. In essence, DMK Enzyme Level 1 is a personalized facial treatment that uses natural enzymes to improve your skin's overall health and appearance. It's a non-invasive option for various skin concerns and can provide both immediate and lasting results.

DMK Enzyme Level 2

Purpose: DMK Enzyme Level 2 is an enhanced facial therapy aimed at improving your skin's health and appearance with more intensive care compared to Level 1.

Enzyme Masque: Similar to Level 1, this treatment involves applying a customized enzyme masque to your skin. These enzymes are chosen specifically for your skin's unique needs.

Advanced Exfoliation: Level 2 provides deeper exfoliation, effectively removing dead skin cells and impurities to reveal fresher, younger-looking skin.

Increased Oxygenation: The treatment further enhances oxygenation of your skin cells, promoting a radiant and healthy complexion.

Comprehensive Benefits: DMK Enzyme Level 2 is effective in addressing a wide range of skin concerns, including acne, pigmentation irregularities, fine lines, wrinkles, and sun damage.

Longer Lasting Results: While you may see immediate improvements, Level 2 is typically administered as a series of treatments for more noticeable and longer-lasting results.

Consultation: To get started with DMK Enzyme Level 2, it's important to consult with a trained skincare professional who will assess your skin and create a tailored treatment plan to achieve your specific skincare goals.

  • DMK Enzyme Level 290min | $239

    DMK Enzyme Level 2 Skin Treatment is an advanced skincare procedure that builds upon the benefits of the Level 1 treatment to provide even more comprehensive rejuvenation for your skin. We use a pre-exfoliation here (see our peels & exfoliations for more information) to remove dead cell build up, promote circulation and to immediately brighten the skin. We follow with DMK Muscle Banding technique used to lift, tone and tighten the skin. It rebuilds a stronger and healthier skin, giving skin back its bounce. In summary, DMK Enzyme Level 2 Skin Treatment is an advanced facial therapy that offers more intensive rejuvenation compared to Level 1. It uses customized enzyme masques to provide deep exfoliation and increased oxygenation, resulting in comprehensive benefits for your skin. This treatment is particularly effective for addressing various skin concerns and is typically administered as a series for optimal results.

DMK Enzyme Level 3

Purpose: DMK Level 3 is a high-level skincare treatment designed to significantly improve your skin's health and appearance, offering more intensive care than Levels 1 and 2.

Enzyme Masque: Similar to the previous levels, this treatment involves applying a specialized enzyme masque to your skin, specifically tailored to your skin's unique needs.

Deep Exfoliation: Level 3 provides the most profound exfoliation of dead skin cells and impurities, promoting smoother and more youthful-looking skin.

Optimal Oxygenation: The treatment further enhances oxygenation of your skin cells, which can result in a radiant and healthy complexion.

Comprehensive Benefits: DMK Level 3 is particularly effective at addressing a wide range of skin concerns, including severe acne, advanced pigmentation irregularities, deep wrinkles, and significant sun damage.

Series of Treatments: To achieve the best and most noticeable results, Level 3 is typically administered as a series of treatments, with each session building upon the previous one.

Consultation: It's crucial to consult with a trained skincare professional to begin DMK Level 3 Skin Treatment. They will carefully assess your skin and create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific skincare goals.

  • DMK Enzyme Level 390min | $289

    DMK Level 3 Skin Treatment is an advanced and intensive skincare procedure that offers even more comprehensive benefits than Levels 1 and 2. The Optimum in Enzyme therapy and results - Our advanced enzyme treatment includes a combination of 2 exfoliants as well and different boosters, mixers and solutions created to target specific conditions. Here are a few of our favourites to give you an idea of what may be included in your treatment plan. The plasmatic effect which you see on our pictured client lasts approximately 10-15mins post treatment, this is a roadmap of where the enzyme therapy has activated your circulatory and lymphatic system to pump fresh oxygenated blood through the capillary loops – bringing with it fresh nutrients. In summary, DMK Level 3 Skin Treatment is an advanced and intensive skincare therapy that provides deep exfoliation, enhanced oxygenation, and comprehensive benefits for the skin. It is especially effective for addressing severe skin concerns and is typically administered as a series of treatments for optimal results.

DMK Enzyme Level 4 Instant Lift

Purpose: DMK Instant Lift is a specialized facial treatment aimed at giving your skin a quick and visible boost in firmness, hydration, and overall radiance.

Instant Results: As the name suggests, this treatment is known for delivering instant results. You can expect your skin to appear noticeably firmer and smoother right after the treatment.

Key Techniques:

Muscle Banding: DMK uses a technique called "muscle banding" to stimulate and tone the facial muscles. This helps lift and tighten the skin, similar to how a workout tones the body.
Enzyme Masque: A specialized enzyme masque is applied to your skin. It contains natural enzymes that work to exfoliate, oxygenate, and nourish your skin, promoting a healthy and youthful appearance.
Customization: The treatment is customized to your skin's unique needs, ensuring that you get the most effective and personalized care.

Hydration: DMK products used in this treatment are also known for their hydrating properties. They can infuse your skin with moisture, leaving it looking plump and refreshed.

Special Occasion Treatment: DMK Instant Lift is often chosen by individuals before special events or occasions when they want to look their best with minimal downtime.

Short Downtime: While you may experience some redness or mild discomfort immediately after the treatment, the downtime is generally short, and you can typically return to your regular activities soon after.

Consultation: To get started with the DMK Instant Lift Skin Treatment, it's important to consult with a licensed DMK skincare professional. They will assess your skin and discuss your goals to create a tailored treatment plan.

  • DMK Enzyme Level 4 Instant Lift90min | $309

    The DMK Instant Lift Skin Treatment is an advanced skincare procedure designed to provide immediate firming and rejuvenation for your skin. Perfect to have the day before a wedding for both the bride and groom, and even the mother-in-laws to be, Instant Lift is designed to firm, tighten and brighten the skin for the ultimate wow factor. Fantastic to have before any big event this treatment incorporates DMKs Muscle Banding protocol to ensure that you see and feel the difference. In summary, DMK Instant Lift Skin Treatment is a specialized facial procedure that provides immediate firming and rejuvenation for the skin. It utilizes muscle banding and enzyme masques to deliver quick and visible results, making it an excellent choice for special occasions or when you want your skin to look its best.

Dermapen4 & DMK Enzymes

Here are some advantages of this combined approach:

1. Enhanced Skin Rejuvenation: Dermapen4 skin needling involves creating micro-injuries in the skin, which stimulates collagen and elastin production. When combined with DMK enzymes, which promote cell turnover and oxygenation, the skin's natural rejuvenation processes are intensified. This leads to improved skin texture, tone, and firmness.

2. Targeted Treatment: DMK enzymes are customized to address specific skin concerns, such as acne, pigmentation, fine lines, or dehydration. When used alongside skin needling, the enzymes can penetrate more effectively into the skin, delivering their active ingredients to precisely target these issues.

3. Reduced Signs of Aging: Together, these treatments can effectively reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and age-related skin concerns. The increased collagen production from skin needling helps plump and tighten the skin, while DMK enzymes promote overall skin health.

4. Scar Reduction: Dermapen4 can be effective in reducing the appearance of scars, including acne scars and surgical scars. When combined with DMK enzymes, the treatment can help break down scar tissue and encourage the growth of healthier, smoother skin in the affected areas.

5. Improved Product Absorption: Skin needling creates microchannels in the skin, allowing skincare products, including DMK enzymes, to penetrate deeper. This means that the enzymes can work more effectively and produce better results.

6. Even Skin Tone: DMK enzymes are known for their ability to even out skin tone and reduce pigmentation irregularities. When used with skin needling, this combination can provide a more uniform complexion by addressing discoloration and sun damage.

7. Reduced Acne and Congestion: DMK enzymes can help clear clogged pores and reduce acne breakouts. When combined with skin needling, they can provide a comprehensive solution for individuals dealing with acne and related skin issues.

8. Minimal Downtime: While skin needling may result in some redness and mild discomfort immediately after the treatment, the downtime is generally minimal. DMK enzymes also have a soothing effect on the skin, helping to reduce any post-treatment irritation.

9. Personalized Treatment: Both Dermapen4 and DMK enzymes can be tailored to your specific skin type and concerns. This means that the combined treatment is customized to address your unique skincare needs.

10. Long-Lasting Results: Combining these treatments in a series can lead to more significant and longer-lasting improvements in your skin's health and appearance.

  • Dermapen4 & DMK Enzymes90min | $375

    Dermapen4 meets DMK Enzymes for the ultimate skin treatment. Combining Dermapen4 skin needling with DMK enzymes in a skincare treatment can offer several benefits, as these two techniques complement each other to address various skin concerns.

DMK RP or 6 Layer Peel

1. Purpose: The DMK RP or 6-Layer Peel is a powerful and intensive skin treatment that aims to address a range of skin concerns and promote overall skin health.

2. Layered Approach: The name "6-Layer Peel" refers to the use of a series of specialized DMK products that are applied to your skin in layers. Each layer has a specific purpose and contains active ingredients tailored to your skin's needs.

3. Customized Treatment: This treatment is highly customized based on your skin type, concerns, and goals. A trained DMK skincare professional will assess your skin and determine the most suitable combination of products for your specific needs.

4. Exfoliation: The 6-Layer Peel involves a deep exfoliation process. It removes dead skin cells, impurities, and damaged skin layers, revealing fresher, healthier skin underneath.

5. Promotion of Skin Function: DMK products used in this treatment are designed to stimulate the skin's natural processes, including collagen production and cell turnover. This helps improve skin texture, elasticity, and overall radiance.

6. Targeted Skin Concerns: The treatment can effectively address various skin issues, such as acne, pigmentation irregularities, fine lines, wrinkles, and sun damage.

7. Intensive Results: The DMK RP or 6-Layer Peel is considered one of the more intensive treatments offered by DMK. It can provide noticeable and long-lasting results, particularly when done as a series of sessions.

8. Downtime: After the treatment, you may experience redness, peeling, and some discomfort, similar to a sunburn. This downtime varies depending on the depth of the peel and your skin's sensitivity.

9. Post-Treatment Care: Following the treatment, it's crucial to follow a specific skincare regimen recommended by your DMK professional to support the healing and recovery of your skin.

10. Consultation: Before starting the DMK RP or 6-Layer Peel Skin Treatment, it's essential to consult with a licensed DMK skincare professional. They will assess your skin, discuss your goals, and create a customized treatment plan to achieve the best results while ensuring your safety and comfort.

  • DMK RP or 6 Layer Peel$1500

    The DMK RP (Remodeling Procedure) or 6-Layer Peel Skin Treatment is an advanced skincare procedure designed to rejuvenate and transform your skin. The RP peel is a 10 day procedure that peels away dead, redundant skin while rebuilding a healthy, stronger skin cell. The process is 2 days of peel application in clinic, then an enzyme lift off at day 5 and 10, again done in clinic with our paramedical therapist. Each individuals down time will vary but your skin takes up to two months to complete its full remodeling process. In summary, the DMK RP or 6-Layer Peel Skin Treatment is an intensive and highly customized skincare procedure that targets various skin concerns. It involves a layered approach, deep exfoliation, and the stimulation of natural skin functions to achieve significant improvements in skin health and appearance.